Trine 323478LC 3000 Series Electric Strike

SKU # TN/323478LC

Trine 323478LC 3000 Series Worlds Smallest 1" Electric Strike features include:

  • GRADE 1 electric strike
  • 500,000 + life cycles
  • Includes One (1) 234-26D Faceplate Faceplate, One (1) 234X Faceplate, One (1) 478-32D Faceplate, One (1) 30LC Mechanism. See individual items for details.
  • Solid stainless-steel latch and locking mechanism
  • Please note: The 478-CCFP filler plate is no longer included in the kit.



Trine 323478LC 3000 Series Worlds Smallest 1" Electric Strike

The 323478LC electric strike includes the 234X Faceplate in addition to the current faceplates already included Trine Solution. With the Patented horizontal adjustment feature Guaranteed not to move and the Smallest electric strike faceplate in the world, this 3000 Series strike is your universal ANSI solution. (478-CCFP is no longer included in the 323478LC-32D)



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