Schlage 26-072C123-118-626 Mortise Cylinder

SKU # SC/26-072C123-118-626

Schlage 26-072C123-118-626 Mortise Cylinder

The Schlage 26-072C123-118-626 Mortise Cylinder is a Mortise Cylinder in a Satin Chrome Finish.   Schlage commercial cylinders are ideal for a wide range of commercial applications, from airports, hospitals, universities and offices, to research laboratories, and government and military buildings. Since our cylinders can be used in a wide range of Schlage and competitors' locks, you can pair the lock you need with the security level that fits your application.

Features include:

  • Cylinders for Adams Rite MS 4500 and 4700 Series 
  • 1-1 /8" length standard
  • 6 pins, Standard pin and tumbler 
  • "C123" Keyway
  • Satin Chrome
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Schlage 26-072C123-118-626 Mortise Cylinder

Our approach creates layered security to specifically address both physical and administrative needs for a full range of security options.
Schlage’s layered security approach to key systems let’s you combine standard open security with restricted solutions and those that meet your highest security needs under one keyway design. It’s innovative thinking that is flexible and upgradeable to fit your security needs well into the future.

Schlage key systems provide patented, restricted, and high security solutions to help protect human safety and the valuable assets of your business. These innovative key systems are designed for flexibility and value. They allow application of open keyways alongside restricted options to appropriately address security levels on each individual doorway yet working within a single keyway system for maintenance ease and control. You get the right levels of security where it counts in a facility-wide solution designed to accommodate your budget.



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